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Upcoming events
Are you seeking ways to promote and amplify well-being across your workplace?

Well-being encompasses the multiple dimensions of the individual, across the various systems of our society. We cannot have a well society until each member and each system can access what they need to be well. Equity, fairness, and tenacity are essential in cultivating an ecosystem of well-being where we all thrive.

Join LeadHumano LLC for a thought provoking and action inciting discussion on Promoting and Amplifying Well-Being in the Workplace.

As a start, this 30 minute webinar, is design to peek your curiosity. To stimulate a point of view on how to think about and amplify well-being in the workplace with Novelette DeMercado.

Novelette DeMercado is a Leadership Coach, Inclusive Well-Being Strategist and, Cultural Competence Thought Partner with a robust coaching portfolio that includes psychological safety, professional diversity, equity and inclusion, and well-being.

You won't want to miss this, register today


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